DAVID LIAO.COM handouts about links


I have tutored since 2013, both in-person in New Jersey and online to students connecting from eleven U.S. states, Taiwan, and Korea. My students have included students from Harvard, Yale, Harvey Mudd College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Duke, Rutgers, Barnard College, Ridge, Pingry, Newark Academy, Gill St. Bernards, and the Lawrenceville School.

I am particularly helpful for students in the following situations:

  1. Students interested in developing virtuosic understanding of concepts well beyond the point of merely "being able to do the problems" (example from quantitative finance: why should the postulate of the absence of arbritrage portfolios intuitively suggest pricing based on a risk-neutral probability distribution?") using multiple representations
  2. Students who want to have content presented in a visualized, organized, and efficient format.
  3. Students frustrated by getting exam scores in the 50%-60% range in AP Physics 1 and Honors Precalculus despite feeling that they understand taught concepts fully and being able to do homework perfectly. I specialize in explaining how to answer AP Physics 1 questions to avoid the common situation in which students feel, "Any reasonable person would guess, based on my solution, that I used exactly the physics that was being tested, but I still lost 67% of the points on my explanation." For Honors Precalculus, I can show you how to avoid domain restriction errors, which seem to plague student work on exams.
  4. Students who satisfy BOTH of the following descriptions:
    1. Struggling because they have gotten away in the past with "just being bright" so they never actually learned how to parse unfamiliar technical text, methodically represent information, methodically perform reasoning, and communicate their reasoning in precise writing.
    2. Open to the idea that people can use genuine patience, piercing attention to technical detail, and deliberate troubleshooting and metacognition to develop skills that do not for them come easily as "natural" talents.


2010— Postdoc, Analyst, Assoc. Researcher, UCSF
⮩ Developed tutorial on physical sciences reasoning (article 🔗)
⮩ Developed tutorials in quantitative biology 🔗 including for
⮩ phenotypic stochasticity (article 1 🔗 | article 2 🔗)
⮩ evolutionary game theory (article 1 🔗 | article 2 🔗)

2010 PhD Physics, Princeton University
⮩ 2010 NSF Graduate Research Fellow (award year 2006) 🔗
⮩ 2008 Young Researcher, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 🔗
⮩ 2006—2009 NDSEG Research Fellow 🔗

2005 BS Physics, Harvey Mudd College
⮩ Overall GPA: 3.995 (see "judging performance" 🔗)
⮩ Physics GRE: 990 (2004 Nov) (interpreting scores 🔗)


$150/hr (1:1)

$174/hr (small group)

Since March of 2020,
all my teaching
has been virtual.

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